Alex Evans BSc (Hons)

Where did you train to be an osteopath?

I trained at the British School of Osteopathy (UCO as it is now Known) graduating in 1999.

Why did you decide to become an osteopath?

I injured my neck in a collapsed scrum in 1991 and found that osteopathy really helped me to recover. I worked in the city at the time and I had regular treatment for desk based discomfort and I started to realise from my own treatment how endlessly fascinating working with the human body could be.

What's your treatment style like?

My treatment style is different with everyone patient tailored to their current needs. I use a variety of osteopathic philosophies in my treatments including cranial, structural and visceral approaches along with prescribed exercise and lifestyle advice to achieve optimum health. I really enjoy working with complex cases and have a career long interest in the treatment and management of headaches and migraines.

Having been a rugby player for 19 years and a continuing keen skier and climber, I enjoy working with sports injuries. I have worked with elite athletes competing in the Olympics, X-games, Free-ride World Tour, UTMB and Iron man. During this time I have worked with some incredible athletes and practitioners picking up a few tips to help patients rehab and improve performance.

Name a fun fact someone might not know about you?

I used to be the Osteopath for the New Zealand bobsleigh team.

What do you do to relax?

Ski, ice-climb, read about the mountains, daydream about mountains, generally obsess about when and how I can next get back to the mountains.

Favourite movie?

Manon des Sources

Favourite travel destination?

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

What is one of your favourite quotes?

“If someone ever tells you the pain from your brain is not real, they are either ill-informed, cruel or perhaps both.”